
Posts Tagged ‘first post’

Spots & Stripes forever…

February 22, 2010 Leave a comment

Is it actually possible to have a blog that enables me to be myself but to also allows me to retain privacy?

Can you be open and honest, yet also ensure that I am not able to be ‘recognised’ by people in ‘the real world’.

It’s strange in this day and age (sorry, sounding extremely old there – I’m not, honest!) that the line between virtual and reality is very blurred. Many people assume that their online persona’s are anonymous so use it to be the person they really want to be (for good or bad). Those who find social situations awkward, finally have a chance to be social without that inconvenient step of having to spend actual time with other people (in the face-to-face sense, obviously time is actual be it online or otherwise). However I know that anonymity is something very difficult to achieve online.

It’s a very scary thought about what can be obtained online about any individual. I have googled my name from time to time, and thankfully so far there is nothing too intensly personal that I could be found. I have a facebook account. I use twitter, I even might be far too open with my photos on flickr. However I always try not to be specific about people, work, family etc.. It’s just about me; my thoughts, my grumbles, my dreams, my hopes. Nothing specific yet everything personal. The internet is a blessing and a curse in equal measures. I hope it will be my blessing and will be instrumental in my journey to learn to love myself, and to be a happier person.

Bloody hell, that sounds twee and possibly a little overdramatic. I don’t mean to be. I’ve just had a tough year and, at the moment, feel completely emotionally drained. I want to use this blog to rediscover who I am and also become a better person (hopefully!).

Right, enough of the life mottos. I will be back soon, I promise, and tell you a little bit more about me.

Spots & Stripes forever… x

p.s. I will apologise now for lack of clarity or understanding in my warblings above or in the future. A side effect of aforementioned ‘tough year’ has meant that the connection between my brain and my fingers (or in real life my mouth) has a nasty habit of shorting out on occasions meaning I lose all track of what I am saying.

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